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Dolphin Emulator for PC / Mac / Windows - Free Download - - Latest articlesDownload Dolphin
Beta versions are released every month, usually accompanied by a Progress Report article. Use the latest beta version if you prefer stability over the newest features in the development versions.
Development versions are released every time a developer makes a change to Dolphin, several times every day! Using development versions enables you to use the latest and greatest improvements to the project. They are however less tested than beta versions of the emulator. The latest version of the Dolphin source code can be downloaded from the project Git repository.
You can also browse the current version of the source code. For reporting bugs please go to the issue tracker. Before creating a new issue, make sure to try a recent development build and search the existing issues. Beta versions Beta versions are released every month, usually accompanied by a Progress Report article. Development versions Development versions are released every time a developer makes a change to Dolphin, several times every day!
Stable versions The stable versions below are years out of date and missing countless features and bug fixes. Beta or development versions are a better choice for almost all users; the stable versions should only be used if you have a specific need for them. Source code The latest version of the Dolphin source code can be downloaded from the project Git repository. Reporting bugs For reporting bugs please go to the issue tracker. Fix manual update check which was hardcoded to "dev" track PR from delroth.
WiiSave: protect against a stack buffer overflow PR from shuffle2. Common: Remove unused stuff from BitUtils. PR from Pokechu Crypto cleanup PR from shuffle2.
Windows x64 Mac OS X. Windows x64 Windows x
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